autostsm 3.0.1 (2022-06-08)
Bug fixes
- setting deterministic models wrongly set other parameters to fixed
- build issues forced package to no longer depend on data.table but imports it
autostsm 3.0
Major changes
- Added ability to use exogenous data in the observation and/or state equations with options to specify what variables enter the equation for each unobserved components using R's formula syntax
Bug fixes
- check for stationary cycle didn't work as expected
- an error occurred when no constraints were being used
- an error occurred during seasonal detection for a specific case
- setting cycle to trig didn't work as expected
- fixed some typos in the vignette
- updated vignette for exogenous observation and state data
autostsm 2.1 (2021-12-02)
Major changes
- added structural break detection for the drift and trend selection
- added more user specified settings including setting cycle with NULL, FALSE, trig, arma with user specified arma order
Bug fixes
- arma and cycle selection didn't work as expected
autostsm 2.0 (2021-11-08)
Major changes
- Added structural interpolation models to interpolate lower frequency time series to a higher frequency (i.e quarterly to monthly)